Bsc Biochemistry with Professional Placement (University of Bath, 2017) 
PhD Biochemistry (Pending; Queen Mary University of London, 2021)
I completed my undergraduate studies in biochemistry at the University of Bath and I developed an interest in solving proteins structures during my placement in Grenoble at the ILL and ESRF . 
After I graduated, I undertook my PhD in London at Queen Mary focusing on the structure and function of pathogenic membrane proteins. I learnt electron microscopy supervised by Dr Vidya Darbari studying the MCE proteins from M. tuberculosis and solving the novel structure of SslE from E. coli. 
I moved to Leeds to continue gaining experience in Electron Microscopy at the incredible cryo-EM facility here. I'm working as an MRC-funded postdoc in the Ranson & Radford groups working on a variety of different BAM complexes to understand how OMPs are inserted into the outer membrane.
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