BSc Biology (Beloit, WI, USA)
PhD Structural Biology (University of Washington)

I came to the University of Leeds in 2014 to join Sheena Radford and Neil Ranson's research groups.  Previously I was completing my Ph.D in the lab of Tamir Gonen, first at the University of Washington in Seattle Washington, and later at The Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute Janelia Farm Research Campus in northern Virginia, just outside Washington D.C.

After completing my BS in biology at Beloit College (Beloit, WI), I worked as a organic chemist for several startup companies, including Aileron therapeutics (Cambridge, MA), before beginning graduate school to focus on electron microscopy.

Research interests
My research focuses on using cryo electron microscopy to inform on structure and function of a variety of macromolecular complexes as well as EM software, method development, and pipeline optimization.

Outside the lab I enjoy cycling, mushroom hunting, and playing the double bass.
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